2010年10月29日 星期五

Successful K-12 Technology Planning: Ten Essential Elements. ERIC Digest.


You must understand where you are in order to plan for the future, so gather as much data as possible about your present use:


* Conduct an inventory to determine what equipment and software you presently have and where it is located (labs, classrooms, library/media centers, and so on).


* Determine the present level of use in your classrooms. There are multiple ways to collect this information. One is to survey staff and student use by asking about both their skill levels and how teachers and students are using the technology. Develop your own survey or adapt one developed by another district. There are also several online assessments including, enGauge, available at http://www.ncrel.org/engauge/. The enGauge framework identifies six essential conditions critical to the effective use of technology for student learning. Another resource is the Learning with Technology Profile Tool, available at http://www.ncrtec.org/capacity/profile/profile.htm. This computer program presents indicators of engaged learning and indicators of technology. For each indicator there are three choices that educators can compare to their own practice. When finished, educators can view the results in a graphical format to help identify their strengths and weaknesses.


資訊蒐集方式有許多種。其中一種是調查成員與學生科技程度與科技使用方式。可以發展自己的調查表或是適用別地區的。也有許多線上成就測驗包含enGauge, http://www.ncrel.org/engauge/.這套架構指出六項對於科技提升學生學習效能提升的重要指標。另一個網站是Learning with Technology Profile Tool,網址:http://www.ncrtec.org/capacity/profile/profile.htm。這個程式呈現參與學習的指標與科技指標。每一項指標有三個選項,讓使用者可以依照實務情況進行比較。當完成後,教師可以從圖表判定結果的強弱。

* Gauge the progress your school is making to improve student achievement. The Annenberg Foundation http://www.annenberginstitute.org/accountability/toolbox/) has gathered together a set of Tools for Accountability to help. Each drawer within the Toolbox offers descriptions, examples, and specific in-school experiences to guide the many members of a school's community.

評估學校的目的在於提升學生學習成就。The Annenberg Foundation http://www.annenberginstitute.org/accountability/toolbox/。已經蒐集了一套績效工具,工具盒裡每個抽屜提供了描述,範例,與確切的在校經驗來引導校內眾多的成員。

* Conduct site visits. It may be desirable to visit schools that demonstrate compelling reasons for using technology. This is particularly important if your school uses computers mainly for word processing and drill and practice. If your planning team has never seen student use of multimedia, digital video, or student web pages, it will be difficult for them to envision these uses. Visits can help to open one's mind to the possibilities.




Knowing what the research says about the use of technology is important to guide your technology planning efforts. Research has found that some technology use impacts student learning while others make no difference (Dwyer 1994; Butzin 2001). The research on technology's effectiveness is divided into two areas: (1) learning with computers, using computers as tutors (most often drill and practice) and (2) learning from computers, which is when the student uses the computer as a tool in the learning process for communication, collaboration, research, or publishing.

瀏覽文獻研究對於科技使用計畫是一項重要指標。研究已經發現某些科技可以協助學生學習,有些科技則沒有影響(Dwyer 1994; Butzin 2001)。科技效能的研究可以區分為下列兩個區塊: (1)電腦輔助學習,即為把電腦當作個人助教(2)從電腦學習,當學生把電腦當作學習工具,用來溝通、合作、研究與出版。

A summary of the research (Kulik 1994; Butzin 2001; Mann 1999) for both types of use finds that technology can impact student learning when the following conditions are evident:


* Students have easy access to the technology.


* Technology is in the classroom, where it can make a greater impact then when it is in labs.


* Ongoing teacher training is provided.


* Reform of teaching practices is evident, with a balance between traditional instruction, characterized by teacher lecture, and that of construction, characterized by the teacher serving as a guide and facilitator.


* The software is well matched with the teacher's assessment of student needs and the objectives of instruction.


